Payment: Prices for our pre-made blog templates are in GBP(£). When you click the “buy now” button, you’ll be taken through to PayPal to complete your purchase (don’t worry, a PayPal account is not required)!
Order Confirmation/Timescale: We will email you within 48 hours to confirm the placement of your order and with details concerning product installation. In the event that there is an error in this email confirmation, it is your responsibility to inform us as soon as possible. Timescales are provided as a general guide/estimate and we aim to have your new-look blog up and running as soon as possible.
Communication: All communication will be via email except where otherwise agreed at our discretion. You should aim to respond to any communications within 24 hours to avoid delay and to ensure your place in the waitlist.
Product Description: We aim to describe and display the Products as accurately as possible. Whilst we try to be as clear as possible in explaining the Services and Products, please note that any descriptions may not be current or error-free. From time to time we may correct errors in pricing and descriptions. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order with an incorrect price listing.